How the Best Executive Assistants Help Leaders Conquer Perfectionism

Are you a leader struggling with perfectionism? Discover how hiring a high-quality executive assistant can transform your leadership style and skyrocket your productivity.

The Hidden Threat of Perfectionism in Leadership

When you're working on that next huge, exponential season of growth, perfectionism is your biggest productivity killer--and I can speak from experience. I grew my business from solopreneurship to a nationwide team and multiple seven figures, now a leading executive assistant agency. I've witnessed firsthand how this seemingly positive trait can hinder growth and success--and it's something I still need to be proactive about today.

The Perfectionism Trap: A Leader's Worst Enemy

Perfectionism often masquerades as a virtue, but in reality, it's one of the quickest ways to get stuck.

In reality, perfectionism is a luxury, an indicator that you might have too much time on your hands. Here's why it's problematic:

  1. You hold yourself back from becoming the visionary leader your organization needs.

    When you are in charge of every single task in your business, you don't have time to strategize, make big sales, or take care of yourself. It's the quickest way to spin your wheels without going anywhere.
  2. You resist delegating work, fearing others won't meet your exacting standards.

    I hear it all the time, "Nobody can do this like I can." Not only is this probably untrue, but it's also an impossible standard to hold yourself to. If you are required for every task in your business, there will always be a limit to how much you can grow.

  3. You spend excessive time on tasks that don't move the needle.

    As a founder, your time is one of your business's most valuable assets--when you're spending it on the minutiae, you're leading your team to do the same. This might mean your team is incredibly busy, but it probably also means they're incredibly frustrated.

Learn more about the impact of perfectionism on leadership.

The Perfectionism Spiral: A Case Study

Consider the case of Sarah*, a tech startup CEO we worked with. Her perfectionism led her into what I call the "perfectionism spiral":

  1. She spent weeks fine-tuning a product feature, delaying the launch.
  2. In the eleventh hour, she made drastic changes, forcing her team to scramble.
  3. The last-minute rush resulted in bugs that could have been avoided with a more balanced approach.

This spiral not only delayed the product launch but also demoralized her team and cost the company potential market share--it would take months to recover.

How High-Quality Executive Assistants Make a Difference

This is where the best executive assistants come into play. Great executive assistants, most of whom have experience supporting executives full-time, know how to recognize a "perfectionism spiral." They're able to build trust early in the relationship, which makes task handoff less daunting. And most of all, they're able to advocate for their executive's time by proactively looking for projects to take on. In this environment, the perfectionism spiral becomes unappealing, and sometimes even impossible. After all, it's probably not that you want to do it all on your own--it's that you're used to doing it that way. By hiring an executive assistant from a top agency, leaders like Sarah can learn to let go--and, in turn, start reaching for exponential growth.

The 80% Rule: A Game-Changer for Perfectionists

One of the most powerful strategies we teach is the 80% rule: anything someone else can do at 80% efficiency should be delegated. Here's how top executive assistants apply this:

  1. Task Management: They handle a wide range of tasks efficiently, freeing you to focus on high-level strategy.
  2. Quality Control: They maintain high standards while avoiding the perfectionism trap.
  3. Time Optimization: They ensure you're spending your time where it matters most.

Real-World Impact: Executive Assistants in Action

Let's look at how an executive assistant might transform Sarah's work:

  • Before: Sarah spent 15 hours weekly on email management and scheduling. She didn't trust anyone with her system.
  • After: Sarah could spent 2 hours carefully detailing her email system in an SOP and Loom video. Her assistant could then reviewed these guidelines and ask detailed questions for anything she didn't understand. Once this was complete, Sarah's assistant could handle these email tasks in 10 hours each week.
  • Result: Sarah would have an additional 13 hours with a great assistant. She could use the extra time to develop a new product line, which is a completely new revenue stream for the company.

Choosing the Right Executive Assistant: A Step-by-Step Guide

When looking to hire an executive assistant, consider these factors:

  1. Experience: Seek assistants with a track record in your industry.
  2. Skills: Prioritize strong communication and anticipation abilities.
  3. Cultural Fit: Choose someone who complements your work style while being able to respectfully challenge your perfectionist tendencies.
  4. Tech-Savvy: In today's digital age, proficiency with productivity tools is crucial.

Check out our quiz to see if you're ready for an executive assistant

The ROI of Hiring a High-Quality Executive Assistant

Investing in a top-tier executive assistant pays off. Here's a breakdown of the potential return on investment:

The ROI of Hiring an Executive Assistant from ChatterBoss: Monetary, money saved, number of new clients, business gained or retained, business loss avoided, your time value. Psychological, decreased stress, increased feeling of safety and security, partnership, shared decision burden, decreased bottlenecks in other projects
I talk more about the ROI from an assistant in Delegation Nation.

Embrace Delegation, 10x Your Leadership

Perfectionism might seem like a virtue, but it's often a liability for leaders aiming for significant growth. By partnering with an executive assistant from a top executive assistant agency, you can overcome the perfectionism trap and focus on what truly matters - leading your organization to huge, 10x transformations.

Ready to transform your leadership style and boost your productivity? Fractional executive assistants give you all the benefits of a fantastic thought partner, without the exorbitant cost of a full-time hire.

Book a call now to talk through your needs, questions, and goals.

*We've changed Sarah's name for anonymity.

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