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With millions continuing to work from home and even more people transitioning to remote work, it’s clear that working from home is now a way of life. With remote work comes virtual meetings. These meetings are more casual in nature because we are in the comfort of our own home. This also means our meetings can go from productive to destructive very quickly.

These are three of our tips for making the most of your virtual meetings.

1). Have An Agenda And Stick To It

Few things are worse than sitting through a meeting that should’ve been an email, especially when the meeting runs overtime, goes off topic or is unclear on its purpose. Having a plan for what you’d like to talk about then sharing that with your team beforehand ensures everyone will be on the same page when the meeting starts.

2). Screen Share Often 

One of the challenges of virtual meetings is that no one can see each other's screen. Screen sharing is the digital equivalent of letting your team look over your shoulder. It’s the closest they can get to actually being in the same room. Make sure to close all unnecessary tabs or windows to avoid any embarrassing moments. 

3). Record For Later

Saving transcripts and creating recordings of your meetings can be invaluable. It allows you to revisit any points you may have missed or follow up on next steps for your team. Plus, sharing your recordings is a great way to get new team members up to speed. It’s quick, efficient and effective.

Working remotely leaves people feeling isolated and disconnected. Meetings are a great way to combat that without being a big waste of time. 

Implementing our three tips will help your virtual meetings run smoothly and more efficiently.

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