One of the quickest ways to grow your business is through social media. Gone are the days of aesthetic feeds and posting twice a day. Now reels rule the social media space. 

We know it seems scary but reels must be a part of your Instagram strategy.

Does that mean you have to dance and point at text? No, it doesn't.

But it does mean you need to think about your messaging on Instagram.

How can you distill all the messaging of your business into something super valuable for your audience?

Here are 3 questions to ask yourself when creating a reel:

1. Is it valuable? Is this giving my ideal client information that they can’t find on Google? 

2. Is the lighting good? Can we see your face? Is the video fuzzy? Is your laundry in the background? Your reels need to feel professional and a joy to watch for them to really take off.

3. Is it entertaining? Your content needs to be fun! Make sure to smile and look like you’re enjoying yourself. That's the real reason we all got started on social media in the first place. 

At their core, reels are bite-sized pieces of content. Something that will give your ideal client a quick win or solve a problem.

If you can distill a gem of wisdom down into 60 seconds or less, and meet these three criteria, you've got a terrific avenue for showing your audience what makes you special.

Does that sound like a lot? You can always offload some of this with the help of a fractional executive assistant.

If you’re struggling with what to post our social media team can help with that too! Book a complimentary call and we’d be happy to discuss your needs and where we can step in to help.

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